A QROPS offers flexibility and significant taxation and investment advantages for UK pension holders looking to transfer their scheme overseas.
A Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) is a pension scheme which can receive a transfer of UK pension benefits free of tax.
The ITC PRSA and ITC Buy Out Bond are registered on the QROPS list operated by HM Revenue & Customs (UK Revenue).
Pension transfer from the UK
A QROPS is an excellent retirement planning opportunity for people of any nationality (who have paid into a pension in the UK and are now planning to live out their retirement in Ireland or elsewhere) to take their pension out of the UK. It is also beneficial to UK residents who worry about the effects of Brexit on their pension or who want to safeguard their personal retirement savings against the increasingly restrictive UK pensions regime.
A QROPS offers flexibility and significant taxation and investment advantages, allowing UK pension holders to make their pension work for them (again).
What are the benefits of a QROPS?
Many people have pension benefits remaining in UK pension schemes. QROPS is an excellent opportunity to bring those benefits to Ireland.
QROPS allows for a consolidation in Ireland without incurring tax.
QROPS permits members to take control of pensions accumulated in the UK with a UK pension transfer and, in conjunction with their financial advisor, make those pensions work for them (again).
Next steps:
Submit a callback request or contact your Financial Advisor.
Download the HMRC QROPS application form.
Complete the ITC QROPS form and return it to us