Analytics and Cookie Policy

ITC uses Google Analytics, including the following features:

  • Remarketing with Google Analytics

  • Google Display Network Impression Reporting

  • Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting

  • Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for advertising purposes, including the collection of data via advertising cookies and identifiers (Google Ads & Search Console)

These features allow Google Analytics to collect data about visitors to our website, who have enabled Google Ads Personalization, via cookies to develop a holistic view of how users interact with our website from multiple browsers and multiple devices.

If you wish to opt-out of these features you can do this any time via your Google Ads Settings or by installing Google’s Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, available here:

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are downloaded to your computer or device when you visit a website. If enabled by your browser settings, these files are used to: help you navigate and access features of websites (“Strictly necessary cookies”); to collect data about your activity on websites in order to analyse or improve performance of that website (“Performance cookies”); to remember your preferences on websites (“Functionality cookies”); or to deliver relevant advertising or analyse the effectiveness of advertising on websites (“Targeting cookies”).

Some cookies are temporary cookies which only remain on your computer or device while you are using the website and are deleted once you leave the website or close your browser - these are called Session cookies. Other cookies remain on your computer or device for future use and expire after a set period of time - these are called Persistent cookies.

What cookies are used on this website?

The table below sets out the cookies used on this website, what type they are and what we use them for:



How to manage cookies

Your cookie preferences can be updated through the cookie notice on this website. You can also manage cookies through your browser settings, and you can find instructions on how to do this in the privacy and help section of your browser’s website. Please be aware, however, that disabling cookies may interfere with the performance of this website as intended and you may not be able to fully access all features and services available.